Apr 2, 2023

My Lifestyle Diet

My Lifestyle Diet

In my approach to healthy eating, I follow what I call the "lifestyle diet," which I maintain regardless of whether I'm in-season or off-season. Essentially, I eat small meals every 2-3 hours throughout the day, ensuring that my first three meals of the day comprise a balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This distribution of macronutrients allows me to consume higher amounts of carbs and fats to provide my body with the energy it needs to tackle the day's tasks.

By combining proteins and fats with carbohydrates, I can minimize the glycemic response, which slows down the absorption and breakdown of carbohydrates in my body throughout the day. To supplement my diet, I include various supplements and essential fatty acids (EFAs), in addition to drinking sufficient amounts of water.

One of the keys to successful dieting is to understand the power of food. Food is fuel, and you shouldn't be afraid of consuming carbohydrates and fats that the media often demonizes. It's important to make the proper food choices, particularly with regards to carbs and fats.

To achieve optimal health, it's important to educate yourself about the power of food and how it can work for your unique body. I invite you to visit my Nutrition and the Power of Food section to learn more about this approach to healthy eating and start making positive changes in your life today.

My Sample Diet

Now keep in mind that my diet changes frequently depending upon if I am On or Off Competition Season, or whether I am preparing for some other type of Goal. The types of food combinations, portions and ingredients would therefore change accordingly.

  • Meal #1 - Breakfast
    Oatmeal Breakfast Crunch: 1 cup uncooked oatmeal, 2 scoops of Protein Powder (isolate protein), dash of cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice, flaxseed oil or hempseed oil, mixed berries and 1 tblspn of almond butter
    Oatmeal Protein Pancakes: 1 cup uncooked oatmeal, 8-10 egg whites, scoop of protein powder, slices blueberries and strawberries, dash of cinnamon mixed together

  • Meal #2 - Spinach Omelet
    - made of 6-8 egg whites, 1 whole egg, spinach and a sweet potato

  • Meal #3 - Egg Fried Rice
    - egg whites, 1 whole egg, red onions, spinach, basmati rice, flaxseed oil, olive oil

  • Meal #4 - Chicken Stir Fry
    - chicken breast, vegetables including broccoli, spinach, red and green peppers, onions, asparagus, olive oil

  • Meal #5 - Omelet
    - 6-8 egg whites, 1 whole egg, spinach

  • Meal #6 - Snack
    - Protein Shake (just water and glutamine)
    - Plain yogurt with berries

****Post Workout always consume a High Glycemic Carbohydrate followed by Protein

****I consume approximately 3-4 litres of water daily


  • Multi Vitamin 3X daily
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B complex
  • Glutamine
  • Co-enzyme Q10
  • Calcium Magnesium
  • N0X2 (Creatine)