Dec 17, 2023

What's my Secret?

What's my Secret?

When it comes to physical conditioning and my approach to ATST - Active Touch Spot Training, there's no secret formula. It's simply based on my understanding of anatomy and how muscles function. Having an artistic background has given me the ability to visualize the human body as a three-dimensional entity in motion, rather than a flat image in a textbook.

One important thing to remember is that muscles don't push; they contract and lengthen. It's also crucial to understand the function of the opposing muscle groups, such as the bicep and tricep or the quad and hamstring. Knowing muscle origins and insertions, and being able to identify potential problems and injuries before they occur is also key.

It's a common misconception that feeling sore after a workout is an indicator of a successful training session. In reality, the body needs time to recover from the trauma of training. When you're at the gym, you're actually causing small tears in your muscles, and the healing process begins once you leave. Overtraining can occur when there's a lack of understanding of the body's recovery process.

In short, my approach to physical conditioning is grounded in a solid understanding of anatomy, a three-dimensional visualization of the human body, and a focus on proper recovery to avoid injury and overtraining.