Apr 2, 2023

What's the difference?

What's the difference?

"The Customized You: Making a Real Difference"

I want to start by acknowledging the common fear many people have when it comes to eating food, especially carbs and fats. The media has done a great job of making us believe that we should avoid these foods. But I am here to show you that eating the right foods, including carbs (the right ones), can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and promote healthy weight loss.

I also want to emphasize that we are all unique individuals with different body compositions, structures, blood types, and other factors that influence our nutritional needs. This is why a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss programs often fails. These programs tend to categorize people instead of customizing for each individual's unique needs. They rely on pre-made computer plans that only change numbers based on your weight, height, and calorie intake. This is not enough to achieve long-term success because they ignore the many other important factors that influence your body's needs.

To make a real difference in your health, we need to focus on customization rather than collectivity. I believe in catering my approach to what works best for you. What works for someone else may not work for you, and that's okay. I take into account your unique factors and design a plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

But customization is not the only difference-maker. The training ethics and mechanics are also critical to success. It's not just what you train but how you train that matters. I have a basic understanding of anatomy and how the muscles work, and I use this knowledge to help you achieve your goals. I can see the human body as it should be seen, in three dimensions, with the muscles in motion. I understand how muscles lengthen and shorten, and I know the importance of knowing what the opposing muscle is doing. By focusing on these principles, I can help you prevent injuries and achieve better results.

It's also essential to recognize that the body needs time to recover from the trauma of training. That's why feeling sore after a workout is not always an indication of success. It's important to understand your body's needs and work within your limits to achieve the best results.

In conclusion, the difference between success and failure is in the customization and training ethics and mechanics. By working together to create a plan that is tailored to your unique needs and focusing on the proper training techniques, we can make a real difference in your health and achieve long-term success.